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TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 - 1999

A short-lived Saturday evening pop show with musical guests alternating with the twenty-piece singing dance troupe Dougie Squires' Second Generation (The 2Gs of the title). It appears that the format had been given a tryout by London Weekend on 20th November 1971 as 'Top Twenty' which also featured the dancers with live appearances by John Kongos, Slade, The Bee Gees, Argent, Scott Walker, Heads Hands & Feet, Gilbert O'Sullivan and others. Quite a decent line up for a tea time show.

Filling the summer replacement void left by London Weekend's The Rolf Harris Show, each show had a guest DJ, all from BBC Radio One as commercial radio wouldn't be launched for another year. The show pretty much looked like the other music and dance shows on TV like Lulu and Cilla, so it was a surprise it only lasted one series. It was directed by Bruce Gowers with Harry Rabinowitz as musical director.

Luckily, all the shows appear to still exist.


London Weekend

10th June 1972 - 15th July 1972