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Humphrey Barclay producer of radio's I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again was given the opportunity to assemble a comedy team from scratch for his first television venture. Surprisingly, this show would be aimed at children and broadcast at tea-time. Not only did Barclay leave a steady radio job at the BBC to make the series, but Rediffusion's days were already numbered as their contract to provide the weekday London service would come to an end in July 1968.

Barclay already knew writer-performer Eric Idle from a revue in Edinburgh while Terry Jones had performed in Oxford University's revue in the West End at the same time as Barclay's own Cambridge Circus show. Jones requested that his writing partner Michael Palin be included. Denise Coffey was spotted at an Edinburgh Festival production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, David Jason came from a production of the play Chase Me Comrade on Bournemouth Pier, while The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band came via a flyer their manager had sent. Their debut LP Gorilla had broken through a few months' earlier.

A pilot show was recorded on 6th November 1967, was viewed as a success and the series was commissioned. The first show "Do Not Adjust Your Set, Or A Happy Boxing Day And A Preposterous New Year" was broadcast on ITV on 26th December, the very same evening that the Bonzos were guests on BBC1's Magical Mystery Tour. However due to a technical error the first, introductory show was shown without the advert break at the expected time, so a three minute gap was eventually followed by the ads, shortening the show. To make matters worse, some areas saw the first edition of the show proper by mistake.

On Thursday 4th January 1968 the first series kicked off becoming an immediate favourite, not only with intended audience of children but also with adults who caught it coming home from work.

David Jason and Denise Coffey were paired up and given their own weekly in-show silent comedy serial "Captain Fantastic" in which Jason's unlikely Macintosh-clad super hero outwits villainess Mrs Black. It was the Captain who got the most positive initial response from the audience, and listening to the laughter in the early shows it's evident that it was children who first found it funny, but listening to the later shows in the first series it's plainly adult voices you hear cheering for the Captain the loudest. Captain Fantastic would go on to would inspire the title for Elton John and Bernie Taupin's 1975 autobiographical concept album.

Proving the show's popularity the troupe were given the front cover of the TV Times, week beginning 17th February 1968. The first series would be repeated a few months' later, but this time it would be broadcast a little later in an attempt to attract and keep an older audience.

The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band had been hired to perform songs and to appear as extras, but certain members of the band took the opportunity to bamboozle the producers by asking for visual props which they didn't actually need for the song. For 'By A Waterfall' Larry Smith requested a petrol taker, a plank of wood and a bag of boiled sweets, only to have a reply from the production team that "we're having trouble with the petrol tanker, would an oil drum do?". They would also frazzle the nerves of director Daphne Shadwell as they were not used to being told where to stand so that the camera could see them, so they would often leave their marks and move around the set. The show was taking up three days of the week, so was giving the band less time on the road and in February 1968 the band had to cancel UK tour dates supporting Gene Pitney.

As the end of Rediffusion was looming it was assumed that it would also be the end of the show, but talking to the Daily Mirror in March 1968 David Jason claimed "There has been some vague talk of the series returning on Thames. But nobody has been approached officially."

The show was entered by Rediffusion into a prestigious European television competition and its win was celebrated with a one-off show, named "Special Winner of Fairly Pointless Show of Prix Jeunesse, Munich," broadcast on the last day of transmission by Rediffusion.

The success of the show was not lost on Rediffusion's successor, Thames Television, who had only re-commissioned a few shows from Rediffusion, DNAYS being one. Captain Fantastic would continue separately from the show, occupying the final five minutes of the first few months of the children's magazine show Magpie, finishing 10th December 1968, and while they were waiting for Thames' invite Idle, Gilliam and Jason made their way into London Weekend's We Have Ways Of Making You Laugh in August 1968. The re-commissioned show began with a Christmas day 1968 special "Do Not Adjust Your Stocking." However, producer Barclay had been offered a job at one of the other new ITV channels, London Weekend, so he would leave the show he had created. In addition, director Daphne Shadwell would also be replaced.

The team re-assembled for the new series which began 19th February 1969, but this time animator Terry Gilliam, who had contributed to a few sketches in the first series and had an animation piece in the Christmas show, was now a permanent member of the team.

If there was a temptation to move to series to a post tea-time slot to attract more adults then it seems to have been resisted as it played at 5.20 - 5.50 pm. Talking to the Daily Mirror new producer Ian Davidson claimed "We don't start off with an adult approach and then water things down for the kids. Children have always been underestimated."

By the second series the resident band had changed their name to The Bonzo Dog Band and would go on to release Tadpoles, an album of songs from the series. But despite the fun, the cracks were showing, Larry Smith, talking to Neil Innes on a Radio 4 documentary in 2016 claimed "Do Not Adjust Your Set was fun, we actually rehearsed and got disciplined, but we were also very tired when we did the damned thing. We were working really hard at that period, and we'd arrive at Paddington at seven o'clock on a sleeper, they'd thrust some awful tea into your hand and be limosined down to Teddington studio and we didn't really wake up until just before doing the gig. I always felt completely knackered when we did the shows, but I enjoyed doing them.... It was a very happy time, but we were working intensely for telly, or for anything serious you've got to have your energy up and our energy levels were frankly low ladies and gentlemen!"

According to Melody Maker in February 1969 "Bonzos threaten that on future Do Not Adjust Your Set TV show they will have 40 live tropical flies from London Zoo stomping about in jam on their faces, ‘to get a true blues effect.’"

Sadly, the show would not make it to a third series. Idle, Palin, Jones and Gilliam helped create Monty Python, Jason and Coffey would later co-star in children's show Two D's and a Dog, while the Bonzos would split shortly after.

Do Not Adjust Your Set had the magic ingredient Tiswas would later discover, making a show that crossed age demographics while not being aware of it.

In 2019 the BFI released a 3DVD set of all the surviving episodes.


26th December 1967 - 28th March 1968

25th December 1968 - 14th May 1969