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TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 - 1999

An hour-long weekly magazine style programme, somewhere between Top of the Pops and Whistle Test with pop acts performing in the studio, reports about the music business and interviews.

Hosted by ex-Capital Radio DJ Nicky Horne with Gary Crowley and Leslie Anne-Jones the show took a look at the weeks’ music news while host Horne took delight in interrogating the weeks’ interview guest by making them feel as uncomfortable as possible. Each week a pop star, ranging from Tony Blackburn to Marilyn to Roland Rat, would review the week's new releases.

The first show had The Smiths and Sandie Shaw performing in the studio, while the show took on interviews with John Lydon when British TV were probably bored with him. It was brave enough to include a near ten-minute article on Psychic TV and put it out on an early Saturday evening, such was the adventure of Channel 4 in those days.

However, Ear Say would be one of many youth oriented shows that would only last one series.


C4/Action Time

31st March 1984 - 1st September 1984