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TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 - 1999

The short-lived late night successor to the hippies at tea time How It Is.

Richard Neville, Angela Huth and Ronnie Fletcher re-appeared as co-hosts, but John Peel's place was taken by Pete Drummond. Tony Palmer had also been replaced as producer by Tony Staveacre. Talking to The Stage he explained "We want to provide a platform for new ideas, new styles, new sounds, new combinations. We want to offer new opportunities to established artists and performers, to extend the capabilities of those involved in the programme's production and in technical presentation in all, to present a valid combination of opinion, conversation and performance which will reflect our aim to put the arts into the proper perspective of the environments and experiences which produced them to relate them to everyday life". Also talking to the Daily Mirror he said "We want the show to have an urgent, last-minute appeal so that viewers will never quite know what is coming up next."

Comedy was now a regular feature with future Goodies Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor writing and performing. The show's mixture of contemporary arts didn't really gel and it was removed after a couple of months.

Among the musical guests this time around would be Colessuem, Chicken Shack, Fleetwood Mac and on 21st March 1969 Led Zeppelin's only live television appearance in the UK. While John and Yoko also appeared in the series talking to Michael Wale about their drug bust and a three minute clip of their movie 'Rape' was shown.



14th March 1969 - 23rd May 1969