TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 -
A spot-
A caller would phone in to the live show establishing contact with singer Joan Edwards, and having being passed over to the host they would then be asked to recognise a song played by the house band, Frank Weir and his orchestra. The show would also have guest singers each week.
It proved popular enough to go onto the ITV network from Sunday 19th August 1956, then moving from its from its late night Sunday spot to mid afternoon in September, alternating fortnightly with ABC’s Bring A Record. Murdoch would eventually be replaced by replaced by Paul Carpenter. In September 1956 Humphrey Lyttletyon's band take over from the Reg Vale Quartet as musical backing. An ABC spokesman told Melody Maker "We periodically have a change of bands to vary the type of music featured in the series."
After the show was cancelled Edwards would join Saturday morning's Housewives Call The Tune.
6th May 1956 -