TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 -
Despite the history books having Les Dawson 'discovered' on Opportunity Knocks in
May 1967 he had already made appearances on ABC's Comedy Bandbox four years before
his talent show wins. His sheer comic invention, the hangdog expression, the mother-
And despite being from the Manchester side of the Pennines it was Yorkshire TV in
Leeds that gave him his first series. The series was directed by David Mallet, recently
relocated from America where he had worked on Jack Good's Shindig for several years.
The first series beginning spring 1969 welcomed Roy Orbison as the first guest, followed
by Georgie Fame, Cleo Laine and Johnny Dankworth, The Morgan-
The first two series were wiped but Network DVD have the remaining shows on DVD.
30th April 1969 – 30th November 1976