TV Pop Diaries
Pop Music on British Television 1955 -
The ITV franchise for the south-
Initially given a tea-
In late 1961 the show was pulled from the schedules because of the Equity strike which almost paralysed ITV for months and seemed to be replaced by something called Pop Party. There seems to be some confusion as to what show appeared on the 7th December 1961 with The Times claiming it was Pop Party, while the Daily Mirror lists Spin Along. Spin Along returned in April 1962 with Freeman at the helm again having filled in his time by hosting the BBC's Play Your Hunch whose host seat had been suddenly vacated by Jack Jackson.
The show's director Pat Lumsden would move to London and take over directing Ready
Steady Go! in mid-
Although it's unlikely any footage exists of either show the BFI have on their website
This Is Westward, a 1961 promotional film. In a backstage scene some prop-
Westward 12th September 1961 -
Westward 7th December 1961 -